We are subject-matter experts in electronics cooling and electronics packaging. Contact us today!
Prevent damage from heat, moisture, vibrations and dust with protective packaging.
Reduce the risk of failures with the design and placement of
heat sinks, fans, and liquid cooling systems.
Control temperature and systems to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and safety.
We bring a deep understanding and extensive experience of the principles and techniques involved in controlling temperatures and ensuring the safe and efficient operation of electronic devices and systems.
This includes extensive experience in
Simulate electronics performance under various heat loads and ambient conditions to ensure components are cooled enough to operate.
Leverage Our Expertise
Andy Johnston P.E., President, and Founder of Johnston Engineering, is considered a subject-matter expert in thermal management including two-phase flow and heat transfer with extensive experience in the analysis of single and two-phase flow (boiling and condensing) in microchannel cold plates and heat exchangers.
With 20+ years of experience in military and aerospace electronics cooling and packaging, Andy brings a wealth of knowledge in
the design and analysis of component and system-level thermal, fluid flow, and structural analysis to your project.
We want to know your needs exactly so we can provide the perfect solution.
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